Green building construction practices and products make homes more energy efficient through proper, adequate insulation and air sealing. Efficient windows, appliances, lighting and other household equipment also help add to the savings and keep your monthly electricity bills low. Up to 65% lower! And with energy prices rising and non-renewable fuels being depleted, an energy efficient home is asset we can all appreciate for years to come. Water bills are also reduced through low-flow equipment and thoughtful land use. Comfortable with year-round sun exposure, comfortable with ambient temperature and lack of drafts, comfortable with your utility bills - 'comfortable' can mean a lot of things. Starting with good energy design, green building helps to ensure that your home is inherently more comfortable. If you're building new, proper orientation of your home can take advantage of the sun's radiant energy to provide free natural heat in the cooler months, while avoiding too much sun in the warmer ones, to save on energy costs. Tight construction also helps keep energy costs and drafts down. For everyone, better insulation and energy efficient windows, appliances, and lighting contribute to a comfortable environment while using less energy.